It is safe to say we are not yet aware of all issues that could arise. However, we can reliably predict future issues will appear that will cause people to disagree. While I cannot intelligently discuss many aspects of that yet unknown issue, I can now say some things about that issue. If any person or group violates the 3L Legal Principle, I am against it and support immediately terminating the conduct. I would further conclude with certainty that yet unknown conduct should be illegal. On the other hand, if no person or group violates the 3L Legal Principle, I can now conclude that yet unknown conduct ought to be legal.

I can also further conclude now that, even if we determine the yet unknown conduct should be legal, if it violates the 3L Moral Principle, I would strongly advise against it even as I strongly support its legality. Even if the yet unknown conduct does not violate the 3L Moral Principle, I may strongly advise against it nonetheless because the behavior may violate another higher moral value I hold on any other conceivable basis I choose. I expressly reserve the right to peacefully advocate against any conduct I choose, on any basis I prefer, even if I strongly support the legality of that conduct because there is no violation of the 3L Legal Principle.

Indeed, I relish strongly advocating for the legality of conduct that does not violate the 3L Legal Principle, especially in cases where most people and I strongly advise against or are even repulsed by the behavior. As in the case of free speech, unpopular and offensive behavior always provide the best opportunities to defend freedom and peace. After all, this is the only place they must be protected. As such, I relish any chance to defend peaceful but repulsive conduct with which I disagree and does not violate the 3L Legal Principle. I am happy to do the “heavy lifting” of defending freedom in hugely unpopular cases.

These situations offer the best opportunity to discuss the critically important issue of how we determine what is legal and illegal. They also allow us to demonstrate the strength of our commitment to the 3LP. As previously discussed, these questions, even yet unknown ones, do not turn on my or your personal preferences. The process by which we think about, analyze, and decide on these issues matters the most. That a person strongly supports the rights of others to peacefully engage in conduct the person finds immoral, unhealthy, unwise, unwarranted, foolish, or even disgusting is the highest expression of a 3LP attitude and the most transparent case in which to demonstrate that most crucial point. While discussing yet unknown future issues helps illustrate the all-important framework for how we analyze and decide issues, we have no shortage of current topics to explore. Let’s endeavor to stay faithful to the 3LP and its derivative 3L Legal and Moral Principles as we go through some of today’s real issues with the same framework.