Marc and Blake have their first conversation since the debate. Marc explores Blake’s political views on a variety of economic and social issues. Blake learns about the Live and Let Live Global Peace Movement and is in general agreement to work towards mutual freedom, peace, and civility goals.


I’m running for US Senate because we need an entirely different approach to politics. We have very serious challenges ahead, and we are at a critical time in our history. We can no longer afford the divisiveness and tribalism that have been the hallmark of our politics for so long. I’m offering a new approach.

We should acknowledge that reasonable people have good faith differences on important issues. People with different worldviews CAN peacefully live together while not forcing their way of life on others. I advocate for open-mindedness, tolerance, voluntary kindness, civility, a commitment to truth and facts – wherever they lead, building high levels of trust with others, and an overall commitment to optimizing human happiness and well-being while minimizing suffering.

I’m for “Live and Let Live” on all issues. I encourage you to invest a few minutes to discover how people with different views can live together in freedom, peace, and prosperity. Let’s chart a new course together!


ABC News Interviewed Marc Victor for “Power Trip” on Hulu

Marc Victor says people on both sides of the aisle want him out of Arizona's Senate race, but he's "undeterred" by those who say a third-party candidate can't win.
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Marc Victor One-On-One with ABC15 Arizona

"Live and let live" is more than just a campaign slogan for Marc Victor. In his universe, it means don't infringe on people's rights.
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Marc Victor Profiled on KGUN 9 Tucson

Libertarian candidate Marc Victor campaigns for U. S. Senate with 'live and let live' message. Says 'one-size-fits-all' national solutions don't work in Arizona
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Marc Responds to Being Asked to Step Down From U.S. Senate Race

We've received several inquiries from people asking me to step down from the debate because I am a libertarian and third parties are not going to win...
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Why Vote for Marc Victor for U.S. Senate?

Since Marc was never asked, "Why should we vote for you?" during the debate. He shares his reasons why you should vote for him.
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A 30,000 Foot Overview of Live and Let Live

Founder Marc J. Victor gives a 30,000 foot overview of the philosophy behind the Live and Let Live Movement and the Live and Let Live Legal Principle.
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Due to our ever increasing technology, smaller groups of people can create massive harm to us all. Small groups of people can also act in unison toward freedom and peace. We need to urgently unite around a basic principle that allows every competent adult to define and pursue their happiness in any way they peacefully choose. The cost of achieving freedom and peace is that we must agree not to forcefully impose our personal moral views on others.

We call for the world’s people of conscience to unite and organize the laws of the world around a principle we call the “Live and Let Live Principle.”


Capitalism & Morality Seminar in Vancouver Canada

Marc J. Victor presents the Live and Let Live Global Peace Movement at the Capitalism & Morality Seminar.
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Liberty on Tap with Attorney Marc J. Victor

Attorney Marc J. Victor speaks at Liberty on Tap at PHX Beer Company.
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Marc J. Victor Presents Live and Let Live at bLU Talks in New York

Marc J. Victor speaks about the Live and Let Live Movement at bLU Talks at Columbia University in New York.
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