The Live and Let Live Principle applies the same way to all issues. We first determine who is the owner of the property that is at issue. We then apply the Live and Let Principle to analyze whether the Principle is being violated. If the Principle is being violated, then the conduct should be illegal. If not, then the conduct should be legal. This is the conclusion regardless of whether the conduct is immoral. Moral judgments should not be imposed on others by law.

For example, to analyze the question of prostitution, we need only conclude that the prostitute and the customer each fully own themselves. While minors also own themselves, they are not fully competent and therefore have guardians such as parents. If both the prostitute and the customer are competent adults, then each owns and gets to make decisions for himself or herself. Therefore, so long as The Principle is not violated, we can conclude the conduct should be legal.

Had either the prostitute or the customer not been a competent adult, or had force, fraud or coercion been involved, then the conduct should be illegal. Said another way, voluntary transactions between consenting adults should be legal even if they are determined to be immoral. A victim, for purposes of the criminal justice legal system, is someone who suffered a violation of the Live and Let Live Principle.