Victor For Senate

Hello, my name is Marc J. Victor, and I am running for U.S. Senate in Arizona in the 2022 election cycle. I’m running simply as a “live and let live guy,” although, I will be officially listed on the ballot as a Libertarian.

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“Since the age of fifteen, I have been an activist for human freedom.”

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Learn About The Live & Let Live Global Peace Movement

Liberty On Tap

Liberty On Tap

As a candidate, I’ll be discussing and promoting the new Live and Let Live Global Peace Movement.

Whenever I interview someone for employment at my law firm, I make it clear that freedom is more important to me than money. I advocate for freedom in all circumstances, at all times, and for all people. It is impossible to know me at all without knowing of my deep and absolute commitment to advancing the case for human liberty. It could be said my mission in life is promoting individual rights and responsibilities, free markets, and the sovereignty of the individual.

The absolute right to define and peacefully pursue one’s happiness is of utmost importance to me. I believe it is the very nature of what it means to be an American.

Promoting freedom is a vast and worthy enterprise. I have given countless freedom-related speeches to a countless number of groups. I co-founded the Freedom Summit which has attracted nationally well-known speakers for annual freedom conferences in Phoenix. I have written several articles which promote freedom in various ways.

I have used my position as a criminal defense attorney to promote freedom to many different actors in the justice system. I used my appointment as a Superior Court Judge Pro Tem to make a stand for freedom. My law firm has accepted many clients and cases not for the money, but for the freedom. I have participated in countless debates advocating for freedom. I have appeared on countless radio shows to promote some aspect of freedom. I have used my status as an honorably discharged United States Marine to promote freedom to veteran groups. 
Find out more about Marc’s time in the Marine Corps ›

I have done my best to live my life consistent with the principles of those who abhor and reject coercion and embrace voluntary transactions. In short, I believe a truly voluntary society best serves humanity; and I practice what I preach.

There are no written words that can achieve or protect freedom. As we have seen with the United States Constitution, virtually anything can be justified as consistent with those words by those who interpret them.

We no longer have a government of limited powers. Rather, we have a government constrained only by the laws of physics. The only way to achieve a free society is to win the hearts and minds of those who live in that society. Only when Americans once again cherish freedom will America be free.

Live and Let Live

I don’t know if my running for office will help win hearts and minds such that people once again cherish and value freedom. However, I am willing to try my best. I will strongly advocate for freedom to as many people as possible. I will not be modifying or watering down any of my long-held pro-freedom positions to make them more palatable to some voter who prefers coercion. I am focused solely on promoting freedom and wherever that road leads is where I will go.

Victor For Senate

Live at bLU Talks in New York

Live and Let Live is the world’s only real peace movement. The Movement is organized around a fundamental principle we call the Live and Let Live Principle.  As greater numbers of people truly accept the Live and Let Live Principle, we will necessarily evolve towards a world predominated by both freedom and peace. 

Yellow Alert Podcast

Marc J. Victor features as a guest on Yellow Alert, the Official Arizona Libertarian Podcast, Hosted by Gabriel M.

Join The Live And Let Live Movement

I agree to adopt and promote both the Live and Let Live Legal Principle (Non-Aggression) and the Live and Let Live Moral Principle (Be a Good Human).

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